More than 75 years of experience. Sorting of 30 tons of high quality original goods daily, by 30 experienced employees in this matter. Goods are packed in small bales ready for sales.
Supplying a good, stable and constantly monitored quality. Establishing a long term relationship with our customers.
Production and loading of two 40ft containers or trucks daily on average.
Euro-frip is part of a group which differentiates itself through an extensive vertical integration in collection, sorting and recycling. Belcotex collects the original goods on behalf of cities and municipalities. Euro-frip (Zulte, BE) and Limbotex (Peer, BE) are responsible for the sorting of the collected textiles. The residual fraction, not reusable as garments, is partially processed by Bewima. Bewima is specialized in cutting this fraction into wiping rags.